Reclaim Your Neck's Freedom Of Movemen with Ayurveda's Specialized Therapies For Cervical Spondylosis

Are you struggling to perform simple daily tasks that require neck movement, like driving, turning your head, or looking up and down? Visit Sri Bhaskara for permanent relief from cervical pain without painful surgeries.

15+ Years of experience treating cervical spondylosis

Experienced doctors and specialized staff

5,000+ pain management cases treated successfully

Treatment available for all types of Spondylosis

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One of the very reasons why people fail to identify cervical spondylosis in the early stage is that they relate it to simple neck pain or headache. 

However, following symptoms directly indicate cervical spondylosis and should not be ignored in the first place.


Similar to lumbar spondylosis, cervical spondylosis too comes with age. In a considerable number of cases, injury or physical work related stress also causes cervical spondylosis in the long run.

Types of Examination

When you happen to notice initial signs related to cervical spondilyosis it is best advised to seek medical attention and go for the following diagnosis.

Further complications

There is a chance for the herniation and degenerative changes in spinal discs which can further deteriorate the pain along the cervical spine. Sharp pain could radiate into your arms if any of these pinches the underneath nerves.

Why Sri Bhaskara?

Alternate medicine could appear to give quick results initially but the problem comes after a few days or months. Ayurveda is the only effective way to treat the problem from its root cause level.

And at Sri Bhaskara, we provide different ayurvedic treatments depending upon the type of cervical spondylosis and the intensity.

Greeva Vasti and kati Vasti are the most effective ways for treating both cervical and lumbar spondylosis. Others include Elakizhi, Navara Kizhi, Abhyanga Swedham and Sarwagadhara. 

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